Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Performance

I finally convinced my friends Lord Henry and Basil to come and watch my love Sibyl Vane perform. She was preforming one of my favorite plays Romeo and Juliet. I was thrilled that my friends were finally going to see the wonder lady I have been telling them about. I knew that they were going to love her, but I was wrong...I didn't even love her after that performance. She did not do descent she did horrible. I was so embarrassed by her performance. She had no real personality in her. I felt nothing while she was performing. I wanted to get up and leave during the performance. I was extremely embarrassed that I had talked so highly about her to my friends and she embarrassed me like that. She looked like she had never acted in her life! Like she was a child on the stage making fun of the play. After the performance I took it upon me to go and talk to her. I told her that her performance was absolutely horrible and that I haven't seen anyone act as bad as she did. I told her that I did not love her anymore. I mean how could I love her after the performance I saw today.

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