Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sibyl Vane's Brother

I heard rumors going around saying that Sibyl Vane's brother was looking for me, because he thinks I killed his sister. I suppose that he is looking for me to kill me. I do not know why he would think that, because I was not with Sibyl Vane the night she died. I simply told her that I did not love her anymore. Why would Sibyl Vane's brother think that I killed her. I think he is just angry, because his sister is dead. But that is not my fault I can not see how it would be at all. I am having to look over my back every few minuets just to make sure that he is not following me. They are saying he is crazy and that he will do anything to revenge his sister. But why would he have to revenge his sister is she took her own life away. She decided to kill herself. No one else could make that decision for her. I am scared that her brother is really out there looking for me. For all I know he could be stocking me and following waiting until I am all alone so he can make his move on me. To kill me for something that I had no part of. People are turning mad in this world I do not know how I can deal with them anymore. I am just going to worry about myself and no one else, because that is all who I really Care about.

1 comment:

  1. I do not blame Sibyl's bother for wanting to kill Dorian he is the reason why his sister is dead.
