Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Death of Sibyl Vane

After the horrible performance by Sibyl Vane someone informed me that Sibyl Vane killed herself. I wondered for a minute if I could have been the cause of her death, but then I realized that I could not be. I was disturbed about Sibyl Vane's death but I felt like I did not have any part of it. It is not like what I said killed her...or did it? But why would it I was just stating the facts and she could have taken it any way that she wanted. Is it my fault that I did not love her after that horrible performance. It was almost painful to watch and I felt like she should know my opinion and how I felt about her after her performance. I use to leave her performance happy, thrilled and full of love and passion, but after her last performance I left with disgust and angry. She embarrassed me in front of my friends! Is it my fault that I gave my opinion and she decided to go kill her self. I do not think that it is. She made her own decisions and that has nothing to do with me. She is her own person and I am my own man and I did not love her anymore.


1 comment:

  1. It was sad to hear that she took her life because of what that beautiful but horrible man said.
