Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sibyl Vane's Brother

I heard rumors going around saying that Sibyl Vane's brother was looking for me, because he thinks I killed his sister. I suppose that he is looking for me to kill me. I do not know why he would think that, because I was not with Sibyl Vane the night she died. I simply told her that I did not love her anymore. Why would Sibyl Vane's brother think that I killed her. I think he is just angry, because his sister is dead. But that is not my fault I can not see how it would be at all. I am having to look over my back every few minuets just to make sure that he is not following me. They are saying he is crazy and that he will do anything to revenge his sister. But why would he have to revenge his sister is she took her own life away. She decided to kill herself. No one else could make that decision for her. I am scared that her brother is really out there looking for me. For all I know he could be stocking me and following waiting until I am all alone so he can make his move on me. To kill me for something that I had no part of. People are turning mad in this world I do not know how I can deal with them anymore. I am just going to worry about myself and no one else, because that is all who I really Care about.

The Death of Sibyl Vane

After the horrible performance by Sibyl Vane someone informed me that Sibyl Vane killed herself. I wondered for a minute if I could have been the cause of her death, but then I realized that I could not be. I was disturbed about Sibyl Vane's death but I felt like I did not have any part of it. It is not like what I said killed her...or did it? But why would it I was just stating the facts and she could have taken it any way that she wanted. Is it my fault that I did not love her after that horrible performance. It was almost painful to watch and I felt like she should know my opinion and how I felt about her after her performance. I use to leave her performance happy, thrilled and full of love and passion, but after her last performance I left with disgust and angry. She embarrassed me in front of my friends! Is it my fault that I gave my opinion and she decided to go kill her self. I do not think that it is. She made her own decisions and that has nothing to do with me. She is her own person and I am my own man and I did not love her anymore.


The Performance

I finally convinced my friends Lord Henry and Basil to come and watch my love Sibyl Vane perform. She was preforming one of my favorite plays Romeo and Juliet. I was thrilled that my friends were finally going to see the wonder lady I have been telling them about. I knew that they were going to love her, but I was wrong...I didn't even love her after that performance. She did not do descent she did horrible. I was so embarrassed by her performance. She had no real personality in her. I felt nothing while she was performing. I wanted to get up and leave during the performance. I was extremely embarrassed that I had talked so highly about her to my friends and she embarrassed me like that. She looked like she had never acted in her life! Like she was a child on the stage making fun of the play. After the performance I took it upon me to go and talk to her. I told her that her performance was absolutely horrible and that I haven't seen anyone act as bad as she did. I told her that I did not love her anymore. I mean how could I love her after the performance I saw today.

Sibyl Vane

I went to see my lovely Sibyl Vane tonight she was magnificent! I absolutely love the way she gets into character and plays the role so well. I wish I could come night after night and just watch her perform different characters. When she performs it's almost like I'm on the stage with her. Like I am the men in the plays, that will do anything for her! She is such a wonderful actress that when she does a  performance she gives me hope when I see her on that stage. I love her! I love the way she performs. She gives me such a thrill when I go and see her preform. My love for her grows stronger and stronger each time I see her on the stage. I will never stop loving her or her plays for she is what keeps me happy. Sibyl Vane is the woman that I want to marry, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. She is an amazing character! Every time I see her preform I grow more and more in love with her. I must show my friends Lord Henry and Basil one of her performances so they can love her as much as I do.